Tag List Report

The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.

Tag Class Total number of occurrences Tag strings used by tag class
Todo Work 87 todo, FIXME, XXX

Each tag is detailed below:

Todo Work

Number of occurrences found in the code: 87

org.universAAL.ontology.ActivityHubOntology Line
setFunctional()?? 1 ActivityHub service controls at most 1 sensor ? 500
org.universAAL.ontology.LanguageFactory Line
DIRTY TRICK to get over the init() in ManagedIndividual 58
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.CoSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 36
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.ContactClosureSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 36
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.EnuresisSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 36
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.FallSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 35
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.GasSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 35
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.MedicationDosageSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 36
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.MotionSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 37
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.MotionSensorEvent Line
the standard says: "the tamper flag may be additionally set at any time" means together with a motion-detected or motion-detected-delayed event. 35
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.PersSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 36
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.PropertyExitSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 37
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.SmokeSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 35
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.SwitchSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 35
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.TemperatureSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 37
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.UsageSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 39
org.universAAL.ontology.activityhub.WaterSensor Line
Implement generic sensor properties flags for activity hub sensors 35
org.universAAL.ontology.av.AVOntology Line
better restrictions, perhaps definition of permitted sets 120
decision needed, which object has to define the direction of a microphone 264
think about definition of properties offered by persona.streaming 313
implementation for the other props 331
org.universAAL.ontology.av.device.LoudSpeaker Line
uncompleted!!! 75
org.universAAL.ontology.av.device.Microphone Line
two different constructors are necessary. one for using unique URIs and one for using a special URI as parameter 64
org.universAAL.ontology.av.streaming.AudioFile Line
perhaps it is better, if the parameter is checked for URL conventions 67
org.universAAL.ontology.cryptographic.CryptographicOntology Line
Add any additionally imported ontologies here 65
ADD HybridEncryption concept (subclass of both SymmetricEncryption and AsymmetricEncryption 94
add more MDx algorithms as they are implemented in Java 312
add more SHA algorithms as they are implemented in Java 321
use length restriction on SimpleKey.PROP_KEY_TEXT 342
use length restriction on SimpleKey.PROP_KEY_TEXT 357
use length restriction on SimpleKey.PROP_KEY_TEXT 370
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.ContinuedFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.DevelopmentFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.DirectFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.EarlyTimingFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.ExternalFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.IndirectFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.InteractionFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.IntermittentFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.InternalCauseFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.LateTimingFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.NonMaliciousFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.NonParametricFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.OperationalFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.ParametricFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.PermanentFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.PhysicalFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.PropertyFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.RecoveryAction Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 38
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.ShapeFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.SoftwareFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.StructuralFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.dependability.TransientFault Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 37
org.universAAL.ontology.device.ColorLightController Line
setters and getters for different colors. 56
org.universAAL.ontology.drools.Consequence Line
Auto-generated constructor stub 38
Discriminate how important is the serialisation of every property. 46
Consequence isWellFormed 52
org.universAAL.ontology.drools.ConsequenceProperty Line
--No comment-- 68
org.universAAL.ontology.drools.DroolsReasoningOntology Line
Auto-generated constructor stub 43
org.universAAL.ontology.drools.Fact Line
--No comment-- 57
org.universAAL.ontology.drools.FactProperty Line
--No comment-- 69
org.universAAL.ontology.drools.Rule Line
--No comment-- 67
org.universAAL.ontology.health.owl.HealthProfileOntology Line
Add Habits property (needs new Ontolgoy) 435
Add Current Symthoms (needs new Ontolgoy) 437
Add Health Contact Subprofile to compile all health contacts (hospital, emergencgy, doctor...) (needs a taxonomy of health specialities?) 439
add restrinction on ppath {Treatment.PROP_HAS_PERFORMED_SESSION, PerformedMeasurementSession.PROP_HAS_HEALTH_MEASUREMENT} 457
change to XMLGregorianCalendar! 542
change to XMLGregorianCalendar! 547
change to XMLGregorianCalendar! 586
change to XMLGregorianCalendar! 591
org.universAAL.ontology.health.owl.TakeMeasurementActivity Line
add cardinality * to requierements. 27
org.universAAL.ontology.health.owl.Treatment Line
Auto-generated catch block 339
org.universAAL.ontology.healthmeasurement.owl.HealthMeasurementOntology Line
set restriction so that the interval unit is for time. 164
set restriction so that the unit if the signal is the same as HeartRate. 165
org.universAAL.ontology.language.LanguageOntology Line
Auto-generated catch block 100
org.universAAL.ontology.location.position.OriginedMetric Line
first check the DB 80
check if it is ok to use WGS84 as last possibility 81
org.universAAL.ontology.measurement.MeasurementError Line
Implement or if for Device subclasses: remove 34
org.universAAL.ontology.phThing.PhysicalThing Line
what is the real meaning of the coordinates? 138
org.universAAL.ontology.security.DelegationForm Line
how to enforce this by default without breaking the Ont.create? 58
org.universAAL.ontology.security.SecurityOntology Line
PROP_ACCESS_TO should be restricted to a TypeExpression, which should be in turn relevant only to Asset type. Cardinality should be 1, 1. oci_AccessRight.addRestriction(MergedRestriction.getAllValuesRestrictionWithCardinality(AccessRight.PROP_ACCESS_TO, TypeExpression., 1, 1)); 234
org.universAAL.ontology.shape.ConeSegment Line
is the association between width, depth, height and x,y,z right at this place? 188
org.universAAL.ontology.shape.Ellipse Line
This is only correct if the closest point is on one line from center to center. Only guaranteed for circle/ellipse 175
org.universAAL.ontology.shape.Polyhedron Line
--No comment-- 152
org.universAAL.ontology.shape.QuasiCylinder Line
--No comment-- 157
--No comment-- 194
org.universAAL.ontology.unit.color.ColorModel Line
add webColor and transformations public static final Unit IND_UNIT_WEB_COLOR = new Unit("web_color", "X11 color names", "", MeasurableDimension.Color); 34