PMD Results

The following document contains the results of PMD 5.6.1.


universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.owl.ManagedIndividual' 27
Overriding method merely calls super 44–46

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.owl.ManagedIndividual' 27

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.owl.ManagedIndividual' 27
Overriding method merely calls super 44–46

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.owl.ManagedIndividual' 27
Overriding method merely calls super 44–46

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.owl.ManagedIndividual' 27
Overriding method merely calls super 44–46

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.owl.ManagedIndividual' 27

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/X73/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Hashtable' 23
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 24
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 25

universAAL Ontology x73 devices - org/universAAL/ontology/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.container.utils.LogUtils' 25

universAAL Ontology for ISO 11073-10471 Sensors - org/universAAL/ontology/activityhub/ext/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.ontology.phThing.Device' 25

universAAL Ontology Audio - Video - org/universAAL/ontology/av/device/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 60

universAAL Ontology Audio - Video - org/universAAL/ontology/av/device/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 56

universAAL Ontology Audio - Video - org/universAAL/ontology/av/device/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 87

universAAL Ontology Context History Entrepot - org/universAAL/ontology/che/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 186
Useless parentheses. 206
These nested if statements could be combined 420–421

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 42–44
Overriding method merely calls super 46–48

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 44–46
Overriding method merely calls super 48–50

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 48–50

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 42–44
Overriding method merely calls super 46–48

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 50–52

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 42–44
Overriding method merely calls super 46–48

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 77
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 81

universAAL Ontology Cryptographic - org/universAAL/ontology/cryptographic/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 42–44
Overriding method merely calls super 46–48

universAAL Ontology Dependability - org/universAAL/ontology/dependability/

Violation Line
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 62
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 66

universAAL Ontology Drools - org/universAAL/ontology/drools/

Violation Line
No need to import a type that lives in the same package 26
Overriding method merely calls super 51–54

universAAL Ontology Drools - org/universAAL/ontology/drools/

Violation Line
No need to import a type that lives in the same package 26

universAAL Ontology Gesture Pointing - org/universAAL/ontology/gesture/pointing/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 85

universAAL Ontology for Diseases - org/universAAL/ontology/disease/owl/

Violation Line
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 127

universAAL Ontology for Diseases - org/universAAL/ontology/disease/owl/

Violation Line
Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() 79

universAAL Ontology for Diseases - org/universAAL/ontology/disease/owl/

Violation Line
Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() 75

universAAL Ontology HVAC - org/universAAL/ontology/hvac/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as '' 18

LDDI Datapoints Ontology - org/universAAL/ontology/lddi/config/datapoints/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 77
Useless parentheses. 82
Useless parentheses. 83
Useless parentheses. 88
Useless parentheses. 93

LDDI Datapoints Ontology - org/universAAL/ontology/lddi/config/datapoints/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 163
Useless parentheses. 168

universAAL Ontology Lighting - org/universAAL/ontology/lighting/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 67

universAAL Ontology Lighting - org/universAAL/ontology/lighting/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 98–99

universAAL Ontology Multimedia Devices - org/universAAL/ontology/multimedia/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 50
Useless parentheses. 50

universAAL Ontology Multimedia Devices - org/universAAL/ontology/multimedia/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 53
Useless parentheses. 53

universAAL Ontology Orchestration - org/universAAL/ontology/orchestration/

Violation Line
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 110
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 128

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/location/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 105
Useless parentheses. 164–165

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/phThing/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 64

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/shape/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 225

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/shape/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 72
Useless parentheses. 121
Useless parentheses. 220
Useless parentheses. 220

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/shape/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private methods such as 'sortByDistance(JgclPoint3D,JgclPoint3D)'. 153

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/shape/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 104

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/shape/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 96–97
Useless parentheses. 195
Useless parentheses. 195

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/shape/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 140

universAAL Ontology Physical World - org/universAAL/ontology/space/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 55

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as '' 33

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.ontology.profile.User' 54
Unnecessary use of fully qualified name 'org.universAAL.ontology.profile.Caregiver.MY_URI' due to existing import 'org.universAAL.ontology.profile.Caregiver' 507

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.ontology.measurement.Measurement' 20

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() 81

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 98

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'stTime'. 39
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'duration'. 39
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'performed'. 40

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() 81

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'assistedPerson'. 61
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'description'. 61
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'assistedPerson'. 86
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'description'. 87
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'description'. 137
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'description'. 160
Useless parentheses. 331

universAAL Ontology for Health - org/universAAL/ontology/health/owl/

Violation Line
Avoid unused constructor parameters such as 'recurrence'. 44

universAAL Ontology Profiling - org/universAAL/ontology/profile/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 53

universAAL Ontology Profiling - org/universAAL/ontology/profile/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 62

universAAL Ontology Profiling - org/universAAL/ontology/profile/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 62

universAAL Ontology Profiling - org/universAAL/ontology/profile/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 56

universAAL Ontology Profiling - org/universAAL/ontology/profile/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 66

universAAL Ontology Questionnaire - org/universAAL/ontology/questionnaire/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 485

universAAL Ontology Questionnaire - org/universAAL/ontology/questionnaire/

Violation Line
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 160
Useless parentheses. 337

universAAL Ontology Questionnaire - org/universAAL/ontology/questionnaire/

Violation Line
Ternary operators that can be simplified with || or && 205
Useless parentheses. 581

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 45–48
Overriding method merely calls super 50–52

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 55–57
Overriding method merely calls super 59–61

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 79–82
Overriding method merely calls super 84–86

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 54–57
Overriding method merely calls super 59–61

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 45–48
Overriding method merely calls super 50–52

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 54–56
Overriding method merely calls super 58–60

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 79–82
Overriding method merely calls super 84–86

universAAL Ontology Recommendations - org/universAAL/ontology/recommendations/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 54–57
Overriding method merely calls super 59–61

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.ArrayList' 18
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.Collection' 19
Avoid unused imports such as 'java.util.List' 20

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 55–57

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 55–57

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 55–57

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 53–55

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Avoid unused private methods such as 'addDefaultAccessRight()'. 67

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 51–53

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 45–47

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 45–47

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 51–53

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 46–48
Overriding method merely calls super 51–53

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 45–47

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 54–56

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Avoid unused imports such as 'org.universAAL.middleware.owl.ManagedIndividual' 25
Overriding method merely calls super 67–69

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 59–61

universAAL Ontology Security - org/universAAL/ontology/security/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 66–68

universAAL Ontology Reasoning - org/universAAL/ontology/reasoner/

Violation Line
Avoid instantiating Boolean objects; reference Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE or call Boolean.valueOf() instead. 65

universAAL Ontology Reasoning - org/universAAL/ontology/reasoner/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 75

universAAL Ontology Reasoning - org/universAAL/ontology/reasoner/util/

Violation Line
Useless parentheses. 198
Useless parentheses. 210

universAAL Ontology System Info - org/universAAL/ontology/sysinfo/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 49–51
Overriding method merely calls super 53–55

universAAL Ontology System Info - org/universAAL/ontology/sysinfo/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 49–51
Overriding method merely calls super 53–55

universAAL Ontology System Info - org/universAAL/ontology/sysinfo/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 49–51
Overriding method merely calls super 53–55

universAAL Ontology Unit - org/universAAL/ontology/unit/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 53–55

universAAL Ontology Unit - org/universAAL/ontology/unit/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 59–61

universAAL Ontology Unit - org/universAAL/ontology/unit/

Violation Line
Ensure you override both equals() and hashCode() 130

universAAL Ontology Unit - org/universAAL/ontology/unit/

Violation Line
Overriding method merely calls super 56–58