universAAL Directive Checks

Report on universAAL T2.3 directive checks.
Check Status
ModulesCheckFix Failed
Modules List Directive Fail :
It seems the POM does not list all the modules it should.
../ont.echonet, folder should be listed as a module?
DependencyManagementCheckFix Passed
MavenCoordinateCheck Passed
DecoupleCheck Passed
LicenseFileCheckFix Passed
LicenseHeaderCheckFix Passed
MainMethodCheck Passed

Passed 6 out of 7 checks.

Check on Modules

Module Check Status
ont.orchestration LicenseFileCheckFix Failed
License File does not exist: ASL2.0.txt
License File does not exist: NOTICE.txt

ont.health.measurement LicenseHeaderCheckFix Failed
The following Files seem not to have a proper License Header:
Make sure all your classes have an Apache Software Licence Header
see license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
ont.lddi.config.datapoints MavenCoordinateCheck Failed
Artifact Name: LDDI Datapoints Ontology
does not match convention: ^universAAL Ontology .*

ont.lddi.config.datapoints LicenseHeaderCheckFix Failed
The following Files seem not to have a proper License Header:
Make sure all your classes have an Apache Software Licence Header
see license at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

35 out of 38 modules are compliant.